Our Model:

Partnering with Entrepreneurs in Agriculture

At Wally Farms, we're committed to fostering innovation and sustainability in agriculture. We invite passionate entrepreneurs to pitch us their farm business ideas, providing a platform for collaboration and growth. We’re currently most interested in hearing from vegetable growers and small ruminant livestock producers. Here's how our model works:

  1. Pitching Process:

    • Entrepreneurs are encouraged to pitch us their farm business ideas.

    • We seek proposals with a robust business plan outlining the venture's vision, market analysis, and competitive edge.

  2. Infrastructure Needs:

    • We evaluate proposals based on their infrastructure requirements, considering factors such as land, equipment, and facilities.

    • Preference is given to proposals that demonstrate efficient and scalable infrastructure solutions.

  3. Path to Profitability:

    • Entrepreneurs are asked to outline their path to profitability, including revenue streams, cost structures, and projected financial milestones.

    • We support ventures that demonstrate a clear and realistic plan for achieving financial sustainability.

  4. Climate-Forward Practices:

    • Sustainability is at the core of our model. We prioritize proposals that incorporate climate-forward practices, such as regenerative agriculture, water conservation, and renewable energy usage.

    • Entrepreneurs are encouraged to outline their environmental stewardship practices and their commitment to mitigating climate change.

  5. What Do You Need?

  • Wally Farms offers access to land at low or no cost, and funding for capital may be available depending on the project. Entrepreneurs should specify their needs in the proposal to support the evaluation of their enterprise.

Benefits of Partnering with Wally Farms:

  • Access to resources to bring innovative farm business ideas to life.

  • Collaborative support and expertise from the Wally Farms team to help entrepreneurs navigate challenges and maximize success.

  • Opportunities for networking, partnerships, and market access within the extended Wally Farms community.

How to Get Started:

  • Entrepreneurs interested in partnering with Wally Farms can submit their farm business proposals through our online form.

  • Our panel will review submissions and reach out to selected entrepreneurs for further discussion and collaboration.

  • Submissions will be reviewed on an ongoing basis

  • Questions? Reach out to info@wallyfarms.org

Join us in reimagining the future of agriculture. Together, we can cultivate sustainable, profitable, and impactful farm businesses.

Wally Farms Agricultural Rental Announcement

Wally Farms is excited to offer agricultural rental spaces for established farm businesses dedicated to climate-forward practices. We believe in fostering a community of environmentally conscious agriculture, and we invite you to join us in this mission.

Available Rental Spaces:

  • Pasture for Small Ruminants and Poultry: Ample outdoor space for grazing and raising small ruminants and poultry in a natural and sustainable environment.

  • Indoor and Outdoor Growing Space: Versatile areas for cultivating a wide variety of crops, whether you require the controlled environment of indoor growing and propagation or the open fields for outdoor cultivation.

  • Wash/Pack Facility: A modern wash/pack facility equipped with essential amenities to efficiently prepare your produce for market, ensuring high-quality standards.

Additional Benefits:

  • Negotiable Shared Equipment: Potential access to a range of shared equipment to streamline your operations and reduce overhead costs.

  • Negotiable Infrastructure Access: Opportunities to negotiate access to additional infrastructure to meet your specific farming needs.

At Wally Farms, we strive to create a supportive environment where local farmers can thrive while prioritizing sustainable practices. If you're passionate about climate-forward agriculture and are seeking a collaborative community to grow your business, we encourage you to reach out to us.

For inquiries and to schedule a tour of our rental spaces, please contact us at info@wallyfarms.org.